the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

20200326  body parts idioms 身体部位的一些习语---附:身体部位图

装模作样鸭---Her affectations make you sick.装腔作势让人.....

You can stop pretending now.别装模作样了

Come off your perch! We've seen you through.别装模作样了!我们已看透了你。 up in arms 怒发冲冠

2.give sb. the glad eye。暗送秋波

3.keep a stiff upper lip 泰山崩于前 而色不变

4.lead sb. by the nose 受制于人 牵着鼻子走

5.keep one's head above water 苟延残喘、苟且偷生、苟延残息?

=live from hand to mouth.

6.armed to the teeth 全副武装 盛装打扮

7.bad hair day 诸事不顺 印堂发黑

8.have an eye for art.有艺术眼光

9.two head are better than one 三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮

10.the principle of an eye for an eye . 一命抵一命的原则

11.cry my heart /eyes out 哭的伤心欲绝

12.have my nose up 心高气傲 are cutting your nose to spite your face.自讨苦吃

14.The walls have ears.隔墙有耳。

15.I am all ears.我洗耳恭听。

16.I am up to my ears/eyes in work at the moment.我现在工作忙极了。 turn a deaf ear to the siren of ambulance.置若罔闻(救护车的声音) must face the music.自食其果。

19.He is a pain in the neck. 他是个讨厌的家伙。 break your neck to go abroad.拼命地想出国。

21.put your shoulder on the wheel 加把劲儿

22. you are skin and bone!骨瘦如柴

23. you give me a cold shoulder 对我太冷淡了

24.i have a thick skin 我脸皮厚 cost me an arm and a leg.差点花光家底儿 treat me with an open arms!热情欢迎了我

27.i have my hands full now.正忙着呢

28.i will keep my fingers crossed for you!为你祈祷

29.don't point your finger at me 别指责我 

30.get off my back ,please !别嘲笑我了

31.if you scratch my back,i wii scratch yours!你帮助我 我也帮助你

32.have a heart !发发慈悲吧---做个人吧---哈哈哈

33.break a leg 加油 祝你好运 get a cold feet about game !你打游戏临阵退缩。

35。 i was twisted to lend you money .被迫借钱给你


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