the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年3月25日,3月累计:201km=,20200325夜跑0公里。( R00D40 )—jumping around/here and there/ ;light sleeper—heavy sleeper沉睡--浅睡眠。

1.unconditional 无条件的;绝对的;unconditional surrender无条件投降

it is extremely unconditional pleasure!完全乐意!

The hostages were released unconditionally.人质被无条件释放了。美 [ˈliːəzɑːn]连读:link a with b,gonna。wanna。sort of,kind of,native speakers’ skill!

Rapid English is a combination of liaison, contraction and reduction.快速美式英语是连读、读和弱读的联合体。

the strong/weak link (in the chain)牢固/薄弱环节 ;click on a link点击链接;

3.on the nose!点点鼻头:赞同

4.unearth---v. 从地下挖出;undress---v. 脱衣服;uncover---v. 揭开盖子;unbutton---v. 解开纽扣;unbosom---v. 吐露;unbind---v. 解开;unfasten---v. 解开;untie---v. 解开;unlock----v. 开锁;unfold---v. 展开,打开;unpack---v. 打开包裹;

5.Synonym---美 [ˈsɪnənɪm] :近义词

6.睡眠:sleep like a log---睡得很死;酣睡;;  sleep like a baby---睡得香;sleep like a stone---睡得象死了一样 ;sleep like a lazy cat.像一只懒猫; sleep like a dead person.  睡得像个死人一样;

lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.睡眠不足会使情况恶化。


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