the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年3月16日,3月累计:140km=,20200316夜跑13公里。( R80D20 )—原来是虚惊一场 骨头安好 真好!谢天谢地!it turns out to be a false alarm,my pelvis is good,great,Thank goodness!

0.笨蛋dumn,dumb, lump,fool,crap,mess,nut,stupid fellow,imbeciles,chump大笨蛋;such a nit 蠢货;Any dodo 任何一个笨蛋;bungler笨手笨脚;

1.名字大有学问:tom dick and harry=任何人 随便谁!Lazy Susan 小转盘;Dr. Jone,a plain Jane 不起眼的女人!as old as Adam 陈词滥调!a doubting Thimas 怀疑主义者;pandora's box 潘多拉的盒子;Siren 送 诱惑力满满危险的话;Uncle Sam 美国政府;average Joe=普通人 就那样的人=average Jane!such a Alic=自视聪明!‘John’ means Toilet.!Thomas Crapper:Crap=便便! peeping Tom 偷窥者;man Friday 得力助手;

2.骨科:visit Orthopaedic OPD 去了骨科门诊部;injury of the tissues; injury of the muscle and tenddon 伤筋;组织损伤;肌肉和腱的损伤;

3.换些零钱change some money!include some small changeget change换钱;pocket money零花钱;

4.Thank Heaven! 谢天谢地=Thank God= Thanks to Heaven and Earth!: God be thanked!


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