the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年3月15日,3月累计:127km=,20200315夜跑0公里。( R00D00 )---四叶草clover:a Four Leaf Clover!

0.《恐怖的妻子》行走的wit女王大人:It was a battle of wits!这是一场斗智斗勇的CP剧!

Great wits will jump together.英雄所见略同。sharpen my wits磨练了心智!collect my wits 回过神来;at their wits 'end 走投无路;

You scared us out of our wits.你把我们吓掉魂了/I was scared out of my wits. 吓得魂不附体=I am frightened out of my wits! 。

1.smell the flower!!鸟语花香=, with singing birdsand fragrant flowers.=have the birds' twitter and fragrance of flower---sunny day, the beauty of flowers, the song of bird.

Spring is gay with flowers and song. 春回大地,风和日丽 鸟语花香


Do you prefer DIY tour or package tour? 旅行,您是喜欢自助游还是跟团游?travel bag!旅行包=pack=over-night bag短途旅行包= carry-on bags随身包;travel pouch旅行包;suitcase; holdall;

3.a dab hand,一个高手/内行,at DIY,etc.!DIY等方面的高手!,withnaughty boys,etc.对付熊孩子等人的高手;


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