the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.


yellow crane tower黄鹤楼,始建于三国223年AD,

symbolic building 标志建筑

dazzling memory耀眼的记忆

accessible ramp, wu障碍坡道

locker 寄存柜

we reserve the right of final interpretation最终解释权归we

书圣the sant of calligraphy,

红十字救护站red cross first aid station

全面电子化付款 full electronic payment

照价赔偿full compensation

取回行李 withdraw your luggage

收费标准 charging standard

游客须知notice to visitors

习惯性流鼻血habitual nose bleeding,

颈椎腰椎背部疾病:collum lumber and spine disease,

离心 centrifugation

旋转 rotating

圆周运动 circular motion

动感 dynamic

上下起伏 up and down/raise fall,

颠簸跌宕 bump and tumble

摆动 swing

失重 weightless

index 指数

matters needing attention注意事项

operation area 设备运营区域

no admittance 禁止入内

no romping 禁止嘻嘻

queue up to pay for ticket排队付款买票

expectant mother 孕妇

observe the following provisions遵守规定

performance venue 表演场地

battleship 战船


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