the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

20200530,D130+... ...,小小爬山,脚板疼,蹦蹦哒哒还行,奔跑?真不行le !!!!......(Half of the time ——dancing with high heels...The other half of the time——dancing in running shoes!)

1.户外运动器材Fitness Equipment: 双人漫步机——Double Walk Machine;健骑机——riding machine ; 腹肌板——sit-up board;  腰背按摩器waist back massager;太极轮——tai chi wheel;    跷跷板——seesaw;

2.夏季登山必备Essential items for mountaineering:花露水?six god?=Repellent liquid驱蚊液;矿泉水 mineral water;湿纸巾--Wet wipes;扎发皮筋-Hair band;;hiking shoes登山鞋; 遮阳帽 Sun hat;


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