the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.


1.有些花的花瓣与叶子,乍一看:难分辨,只觉得都是颜色不同的叶子而已!然而,并非如此!---At first glance, the petals and leaves of some flowers are difficult to distinguish. I just think they are leaves of different colors! However, this is not the case!

2.Jenny looked up in honor.a vast dark bulk was bearing down on the Caine.Jack opened and closed his mouth three times without uttering a sound!then he almost choked out.珍妮以荣誉的眼神抬起头来,巨大的黑暗正压在坚那上,杰克三次不停地张开 闭上嘴,发不出声音,然后他几乎窒息了。

3.When the sun in the morning creeps over the hill and kisses the roses around my window, then my heart feels with laughter when I hear the thrill of the birds in the treetops.当早晨的太阳爬过山丘,亲吻窗户上的玫瑰时,当我听到树梢上鸟儿的快感时,我的内心充满了欢笑。


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