the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

20200505 SHERLOCK HOLMES 1-2.1

1.Sometimes you have to look hard at something to see its value. They are made to be touched to be handled. So please use an alternative method of payment .有时你必须仔细观察某物才能看到它的价值。它们是用来触摸和把玩的。所以请使用另一种付款方式。 

2.card not authorized. You won't like me all that much。 unexpected item in bagging area.此卡没有授权。你不会喜欢我的。袋子里有不明物体

3.It's so long. Eight years since I last clapped eyes on you. 这是这么长时间。一别八年了。

4.Can you maybe keep your voice down? You had a row with a machine, sort of !it sat there and I shouted abuse! 能小声点吗?你和一台机器吵了一架,算是吧。它就在那儿,我大喊着骂它!

5.Have you got cash? My card? It's password protected. Oh, come on, buddy.你有现金吗?我的名片吗?这有密码保护。别这样,伙计。

6.Item not scanned. Please try again.项目无法识别。请再试一次。


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