the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.


( R00D40)-I currently occupy the moral high ground!站在道德制高点上。

0. traffic jams交通堵塞;traffic block 交通拥堵;heavy traffic繁忙;

traffic accident交通事故;traffic crash 交通事故;traffic disaster交通事故;

interfere the traffic 妨碍交通;contravene the traffic regulations违反交通规则;

高峰交通;rush hour;

land traffic路上交通 ;urban traffic 市区交通;air traffic空中交通;air traffic水上交通

1.transportation:陆运land transportation、海运marine transportation、空运[air transport;airfreight;airlift;air transportation] 、管道Conduit;水路waterway;water route、铁路Railway、公路Highway、空中道路Aerial road!;

cement concrete pavement--水泥混凝土路面、rail---铁轨 、

2.交通工具transportation :---飞机airplane; plane; aeroplane;aircraft;直升飞机helicopter、无人驾驶robot plane;、专机private plane、宇宙飞船spacecraft; spaceship、航空母舰aircraft /aeroplane/airplane  carrier;

 ---高铁/ 动车high-speed train、 火车train:、 大巴bus、 越野车cross-country car;、载重汽车truck; heavy-duty truck;、自卸汽车dump truck;、 公交车 public transport、 小轿车sedan car、吉普车 jeeps、 平板车 flatbed tricycle、大货车Big truck、 三轮车tricycle、 摩托车motorcycle; motor van; motor bicycle; motorbike 、 电动汽车electric car、电动车electric motorcar、 自行车bicycle; bike ;

---客轮passenger ship、货轮freighter; cargo ship、远洋班轮ocean liner、气垫船hovercraft.、帆船sailing boat; sailing ship、潜水艇U-boat; undersea boat; submarine、游艇yacht;wotor-boat、救生艇lifeboat、皮划艇canoeing; kayak。


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