the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年3月29日,3月累计:215km=,20200329夜跑0公里。( R00D45)---踏青暴走15公里!have an outing in early spring,brisk walking is good!蹦蹦哒哒45分钟!!烩面、凉皮 依然钟爱!

1.stammer---v.;stutter---v:口吃 结巴

---推荐《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech) center:运动中心;---体育馆=gymnasium; gym!--- in the workers 'stadium工人体育馆;--- in the school gym. 学校体育馆;

PE体育课---physical education.

There are three athletic areas in the school sports centre. 学校的体育中心有三个运动区域。

3.地铁⚠️metro; the subway; underground

4.地铁注意事项Precautions for taking the subway:

a.乘客安全行为规范,safety code for passengers,

1.using the passengers emergency alarming unit to contact the driver in any emergency situation.

2.taking legal liabilities for using the emergency-egress-devices without permission.


b.emergency egress device紧急解锁装置operation instruction操作说明;

.crash over

.turn handle in direction of arrow

.open door manually


legally liable for non-emergency use非紧急状况使用,法律责任,

.use only in emergency,1000 penalty for non-emergency case.

.do not open the door until train fully stopped to avoid possibile casualty.



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