the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年3月27日,3月累计:201km=,20200327夜跑0公里。( R00D60 )---雷声隆隆 电闪雨鸣,任性的春雨已至,放肆的夏雨还远吗?

1.make a gesture = I L Y = I Love You !犬夜叉 戈薇的婚后 妻管严日常!爱你的手势不能停------

--- 爱你呦ლ(′◉❥◉`ლ)

--- ღ( ´・ᴗ・` ) 比心

--- \(‘▽′ )/ 万岁 开心

--- ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 摊摊手

--- └(^o^)┘ 强壮

1.手指finger:thumb 大拇指;index finger食指=forefinger;middle finger中指=long finger=medius; third/ring finger=medical finger无名指 ;小拇指 little finger。

2.非黑即白,非对即错;black and white/right and wrong!right or wrong!It's not a black-and-white issue。这不是一个非黑即白的问题


waving one' s hand is to say "Good bye."

smile and handshake show we are friends;

collie,and clapping hands means congratulations.

Nodding the head means agreement;

shaking the head means disagreement;

kiss each other's face when they meet --in Russia,France and Arab countries

热度 ( 3 )

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