the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年3月13日,3月累计:114km=12.0.12+,20200313夜跑12公里。( R75D15 )

1.cut the steak=have the steak cut into pieces!切牛排。slice! cut into slices 切成片;stripping and slicing 剥离和切片;Peel  削皮;

sliced bread切片面包;slice切片;dice切丁;Peel 削皮;Split切开;

Use verbs such as chop, peel, slice and dice. 单词:剁碎、削皮、切成薄片以及切成小方块。

2.dead end!死胡同没出路;unpromising没出息没前景;good-for-nothing∶不中用的;毫无用处的;useless没用的;worthless and castaway 没用又堕落;loser废柴;awful young rotter没出息的小混蛋;be a nobody啥也不是;

3.go belly up!破产倒闭=过度负债=excessive debt!bankrupt破产,break up!!

身体/意志垮掉:collapse ,crack up 垮掉;break down!

4.get a 罐头can?炒鱿鱼:dismiss sb. from office; fire sb. (美国人常用); give the sack (英国人常用);

罐头食品:canned food ;tinned food;水果...罐头---canned fruit/vegetables/fish/meat;---keep away from dampness!防潮



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