the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年3月2日,3月累计:27km=13+14,20200302夜跑13公里。( R75D15 )。

1.eye眼睛 注视;eye up 色眯眯的看!give sb the eye/make eyes at sb.朝sb.抛媚眼;be an eye-opener 令人大开眼界;have an eye for sth.对...有鉴赏眼光;my eyes are bigger than my stomach!贪心贪吃,眼大胃小!Oh, my eye!噢,胡说八道!a bird's-eye view (of sth)鸟瞰俯视;the naked eye肉眼所见;please the eye赏心悦目;

you are the apple in my eye!唯爱心肝宝贝;掌上明珠 !

eyeball to eyeball 怒目相视对峙;His eyeball's falling out.眼睁得眼珠都快掉下来了.

Myopia-美 [maɪˈoʊpiə] 近视;hyperopia-美 [ˌhaɪpəˈroʊpiə] 远视;astigmatism-美 [əˈstɪɡmətɪzəm]散光! the way顺带一句; by the wayside路边路旁The project falls by the wayside. 该计划半途而废了。Judging by the way he spoke.从说话的方式判断; week时装周,Special Edition特制版;limited Edition限量版;Cooperative Edition合作版;collector's edition典藏版;revised edition修订版;spring/ summer春夏季;Autumn/ Winter=Fall/ Winter秋冬季;

衣服码数code number--- 加小XS:X-small ;小码S:small;中码M-medium;大码  L-large;加大 XL:x-large;

4.poppy flower罂粟花;


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