the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.


1.versus=vs 对比,Kick Out=ko战胜,e.g.举例来说;i.e.即是;P2P 个人对个人;F2F 面对面;cuz/cos=because因为;favo=favorite喜欢;msg=message 信息;add=address地址;

聊天:JK - Just kidding/just joking ;TTYL - Talk to you later ;OIC- Oh I see;BRB - Be right back ;BFN - Bye for now ;ASAP - As soon as possible ;LOL - Laughing out loud ;BTW - By the way ;FYI - For your information ;h r u=how are you;brb=be right back;wb=welcome back ;t/c=take care;nvm=never mind;

缩写:Plz - Please;Thx - Thanks ;Cya - See you ;L8r - Later ;B4 - Before;2morro - Tomorrow ;uni=university;

句子:wanna=want to;gotta=got to;gonna=going to;cya/c u=see you ;dunno=don't know;kinda=kind of;sorta=sort of ;lemme=let me;n=and;gimme=give me;lota=lot of;sms=send a message;gtg=gotta go;


3.鸡年rooster:the Year of the Rooster;i am a rooster我属鸡。

4.隔离:isolate隔离;隔绝cut off;


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