the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.



One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.一种语言开启人生通道,两种语言打开沿途每一扇门!

2.凉菜:cold dish;salad凉拌菜;sweet and sour fish糖醋鱼;

3.蹭WiFi:rub wireless networth ;WiFi---Wireless Fidelity;pirate your wifi 蹭网;pirate copies of the video 盗版的录像带;

pirate:海盗;《Pirate of Caribben》加勒比海盗

4.mokey猴子;调皮的孩子;play tricks on people捣蛋;

i don't/couldn't  give a monkey's 我压根儿不在乎。【Negro黑人=monkey带有歧视含义,不要用】

5.beef 牛肉;steak牛排;复数:steaks牛排;牛排太老:tough steak。

Medium well: the steak still has a small amount of pink in the centre.七成熟:牛排中心还有少部分粉红。

6.行李托运:baggage check-in; Baggage; Baggage Check-In; checked baggage。check baggage/bag行礼托运 4 kilos overweight 超重4公斤了;

7.double rooms双人房;大床房。皇家房间KING ROOM "Royal Suite"; DOUBLE ROOM;standard room标准房;business suite room商务套间;one-bed room单人房=single room.;

8.电影分类:Types of films:恐怖电影---horror movie/Scary Movie; 动作电影:action movie;romantic movie浪漫电影;/comedy movie/comedy 喜剧电影。

She can't make her mind up。她拿不定主意。

凉菜的猴子,蹭WiFi 点了牛排,太硬不开心,搭机行李超重,定房间错了,看电影,喜剧恐怖动作爱情,拿不定主意!

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