the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年1月20日,累计194km=12+12+13+15+0+(142km=15天)-----20200120,夜跑12公里!!偷吃一块大鸡排的罪孽……【炸鸡排fried chicken steak?】


1.ask for sick leave / call in sick 请病假;

装病,sb. be putting on /on [ under] the pretext of illness /pretend sickness; malinger装病; scoliopathexis。fake illnes 装病主动;

我今天差点就打电话请病假了。I almost called in sick today. 

2.slap 扇巴掌 ~one's face/~ sb. around 经常殴打sb.;puch 推搡sb.; beat sb.持续地动作毒打;pounch 连手带腿?  【拳打脚踢cuff and kick; beat and kick; beat up; box and kick; strike and kick:】fight against/with sb.争执互打;【stay and fight 留下来战斗!】pick a fight寻衅斗殴;

They care for nothing but fighting.除了打架啥也不关心!

KO=knockout,打倒!!knockout sb. 打晕打倒打败sb.

3.expenditure, spend; expenses,开支花销;cut down ....削减开支;

减少reduce; decrease; lessen; cut down;

4.jam果酱;英国英语用  jelly 果冻;美国英语用 jello;pudding布丁;chips /french fries/french-fried potatoes炸薯条;crisps薯片;

fried chicken炸鸡;salad沙拉;vegetable蔬菜;cola可乐,hamburger汉堡;mashed potatos马铃薯泥;hot dogs热狗 pizza披萨;fried chicken wings炸鸡翅;

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