the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年1月7日-8日,20200107-0108,0+0,P2-have a break !

1.预约:book-ticket/fee费;make an appointment=order; self-service registration自助挂号;appointment registration预约挂号;self-service charge自主收费;stand in line/queue up排队;draw out cash from a cash machine自助取款机取钱;get/draw money on ATM。

2.celebrity网红,host主播;news anchor 新闻主播;radio host电台主播;live radio programme直播节目;he presenter of ... ...的节目主持人。

3.department of paediatrics小儿科;be a miser太幼稚小儿科了;general check-up全身检查;pediatrician小儿科医师;children's ward儿科病房;maternity产科;Baby stroller婴儿推车/折叠推车;diapers尿不湿;breast mist母乳;vitamin D维生素D;Antibodis 抗体;milk powder; powdered milk; dried milk:奶粉。


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