the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2020年1月4日,20200104 关于star三两事儿,

1.super star 超级明星,counting star数星星,

rising star新星新秀,guest star客串明星,

2.You're a star.你真是个好人-夸你的/你是明星-职业!

3.You have stars in your eyes,

NO-星辰大海? YES-两眼放光,星星眼,

4.I could see stars。两眼冒星星=feel dizzy头晕脑胀 昏头转向,

5.reach for the stars有九天揽月之志;努力完成壮举 

6.thank your lucky stars你也太走运了!

---Panda-Pandy, like many other fictional heroes in Chinese culture, is an example of courage, wisdom,righteousness and absolute conviction. 

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