the one

yyzz,the one!
---One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

2019年12月29日,20191229夜跑12公里,Raining here!

1.thin-everything瘦/憔悴!,slim/slender-people苗条修长!skinny 皮包骨;Willowy婀娜多姿;lean精瘦;反义词:---thick厚的,fat胖的,heavy重的,dense密集的,

2.leggings打底裤,yoga pants瑜伽裤;super tight leggings紧身打底裤;pantihose 连体裤袜; jeans牛仔裤;stockings打底袜;fishnet渔网袜;silk stocking丝袜;close-fitting pants;checked shirt格子衫;zip up 拉上拉链;

3,timid胆小的,害羞的;in a hurry/in a rush着急着;upset,excited,anxious捉急/anxiety着急/worried担心。上厕所go to the toilet/rush to the toilet,go to school/hospital上学/看病;go to the school/hospital去学校/去医院 ,

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